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Bell's Palsy & Heavy Metals

Bell's palsy is a relatively common condition that can show up in a myriad of ways. The face may droop in the eye, nose, or mouth area. It may droop on one side or on both sides. It can last only temporarily or for many years. At times it is very painful; other times, there is no feeling at all. Sometimes Bell's palsy affects more than just the face leaving doctors baffled. Oftentimes, when this happens, the person with the condition will be misdi­agnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Unfortunately, these labels are just names that have been given to a set of symptoms that are still a mystery to medical communities.

The true cause of both Bell's palsy and MS are not known by medical science and research, and consequently, they do not know how to effectively address these health problems either. I was the first person to point out that Bell's Palsy is a viral issue; in particular, Bell's palsy is caused by a specific undiscovered strain of the shingles virus. Medical communities are not yet aware of this truth. Suppose you or a loved one have suffered with or are currently suffering from Bell's palsy. In that case, you now have the answer to what causes this condition, and the information I am sharing with you here can help you take steps toward recovery or preventing fur­ther health problems caused by the same virus.

Recovering from Bell's Palsy

Foods to Include

The good news is you have a lot of secret antiviral weapons in foods that will help you heal from and prevent Bell's palsy. Fruit is the first food to focus on. Any fruit you eat will help fight the shingles virus because the phytochemicals in fruit are antiviral. Potatoes are another secret weapon to include in your diet. Po­tatoes are loaded with an extremely potent bioactive L-lysine that inhibits and reduces viral activity. It's also helpful to include plenty of leafy greens like red leaf lettuce and romaine daily. Eat a cucumber and tomato salad with cilantro, parsley, sage, and rosemary. Yes, tomato. You should not be afraid of a fresh tomato no matter what you hear out there. If you believe that tomatoes are not healthy for you, you're being misled. Garlic and onion are perfect antivirals to defend you against the shin­gles virus, as are cumin and turmeric. Drinking fresh, pure celery juice is a great way to send healthy mineral salts to your nerve endings. Red clover blossom tea is a great tea to include be­cause of its potent antiviral properties. You can discover more about some of the most healing foods for shingles and Bell's Palsy in my book Life-Changing Foods.

It's also important to remove the heavy metals from your body and brain when you have Bell's palsy. The shingles virus, and all viruses, feed on heavy metals like copper, mer­cury, aluminum, lead, nickel, steel, and more. By reducing the amount of heavy metals in your body, the shingles virus will have less fuel to proliferate and cause symptoms like Bell's palsy and others.

While we are discussing heavy metals, I want to share an im­portant truth about mercury fillings. Many people want to get their mercury amalgams removed, but you should know that if you get all your mercury fillings removed at once, this could be dangerous because it will release mercury into your bloodstream that wasn't causing a problem before. The shingles virus will then have a feeding frenzy on mercury and cause more issues. This could result in Bell's palsy develop­ing. If you are determined to take out your mercury fillings because one is broken or falling apart, be careful to take them out one at a time with many months or more between each removal. This is the safest way to go about doing this. You can read more about this in Medical Medium.

Foods to Avoid

Eggs are one of the most important foods to avoid because they are fuel for viruses. When you eat eggs, you are giving the shin­gles virus fuel to continue proliferating. Medical research is not yet aware that viruses eat, so you might hear health practitioners claim that viruses do not eat anything at all. This is a misconcep­tion and another classic medical blunder. Today's trendy doctor diets tell you to avoid a potato, which is actually helpful for killing a shingles virus. Meanwhile, they will recommend eating lots of eggs, which will feed the virus and many other viruses responsible for so many different illnesses and symptoms. The truth is that eggs are the number one food that viruses feed on. If you want to heal Bell's palsy, it would be helpful to stay away from eggs altogether.

I know high-fat diets are popular these days, but this is detrimental to anyone with Bell's palsy. When your diet is too fatty, the blood thickens and does not allow oxygen to get to the nerves. A fatty diet also inhibits the immune system from doing its job to fight the virus that's attacking the nerves. It's helpful to lower your fat intake whether you eat a plant-based diet or you include animal foods daily.

If you eat a vegan diet, reducing the amount of oils, nuts, seeds, coconut, and avocado you eat is important. And if you eat animal protein, try to limit it to once a day or a few times a week and choose the highest quality lean protein sources you can. I know chicken is generally considered to be lean meat; however, chicken is best limited because it's too high in fat for someone who is trying to fight Bell's palsy. If you live in a place where eating animal foods is your only option, try to decrease the size of your meat portions and increase your vegetable intake along with bringing in any fruits you can throughout the day. Since fruit is unfairly feared more than ever before today, a topic I address in the Fruit Fear chapter of my book Medical Medium, hearing this may go against a trendy diet belief system that you have adopted. If this is the case, please understand that it's what will kill off the vi­rus-the cause of Bell's palsy-and help you to recover your health that matters. When you know the true cause of your symptoms and conditions, your diet should then be adjusted to address it, regardless of what kind of diet belief system you subscribe to.

Supplements to heal Bell's Palsy

Here is a list of supplements I recommend for those wanting to heal from Bell's palsy. To see which brands I suggest, check out the sup­plement directory on my site. Talk to your health practitioner to decide on what dosages of these supplements are appropriate for you if you wish.

L -lysine impairs the ability of shingles virus cells to move and repro­duce.

Liquid Zinc Sulfate lowers inflammatory reactions to the neurotoxin­produced by the shingles virus.

Licorice root tea and tincture are very effective at impairing virus cells' ability to move and reproduce.

Lemon balm kills off and repels viruses.

Curcumin reduces nerve swelling caused by shingles neurotoxins.

Elderberry syrup strengthens the immune system.

Monolaurin kills viruses.

B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin repairs and strengthens the nervous system areas that have been dam­aged by the virus.

Goldenseal strengthens the immune system.

Spirulina supports the central nervous system's health and is criti­cally important for removing heavy metals that viruses feed on.

Barley Grass Juice Extract Powder is also critical for heavy metal removal alongside spirulina which helps prevent viruses like shingles from proliferating.

Hyssop tea is a potent anti-bacterial herb that helps to combat the bacteria that typically companies shingles.

Thyme tea is a powerful antiviral tonic that is essential for shingles. Oil of Oregano is a wonderful antiviral that helps the body to detoxify poisons.

Cat's claw tincture inhibits the shingles virus, which is one of the vi­ruses responsible for Lyme disease symptoms. I share the still undis­covered truth about Lyme disease in Medical Medium.

Mullein leaf tincture has strong antiviral properties that make it a potent remedy for the shingles virus.

L -glutamine removes toxins from the brain and protects neurons.


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